The ORB Connection
Hello, I’m Nancy
I created The Orb Connection in 2012 after I was told that the orbs appearing in my photographs since 2010 were meant to be shared to help those in grief.
My son, Robbie, crossed over to the other side two days before his 28th birthday on January 19, 2010. Shortly after I started to notice orbs appearing in my photos.
Since I have always believed in life after life and that it is possible to receive signs and messages from our loved ones in spirit, six months after my son’s crossing I booked a reading with renowned medium, Hollister Rand, for my husband and me. She told us that our son was standing between us with orbs and light all around him and that this will be important, and don’t be surprised if I start getting orbs in my photos! Boy, she wasn’t kidding!
The orbs started out slowly, a few at a time at first, and faint, but I continued to take pictures every day and soon they intensified in size, color, and appearance. After a while, I realized I could talk to them and they would respond by appearing in certain spots in the photos. After thousands of photographs, I started noticing faces in the orbs and when I described the faces I saw to the sitters they would often confirm that it was indeed their loved one that they had asked to be next to them. Sometimes, I am also imprinted with a message from the orbs for the sitter.
Since starting my spiritual path to honor my son’s request of me, I have taken many mediumship workshops, started Yoga, practice Transcendental Meditation, became a Reiki Master and a Certified Angel Card Reader. I now consider myself to be an Orb Medium. However, I am aware that this ability doesn’t

come from me but through me, and it is my intent to do this for the greater good.
I was inspired to create this website to offer photographic evidence that we continue even after our bodies have died and that our loved ones can still be a part of our lives.
We dedicate this site to help heal the hearts of those who have lost loved ones. We offer our services to demonstrate that indeed Spirit is all around us!
Evidence that life continues even after the body dies.
Raised in a traditional blue-collar family in the Midwest, Nancy Myers always felt different from the rest of her family.
A lifelong fascination with the spiritual gifts of communication that some people seem to possess, coupled with a deep inner knowing that there is more to life than making a living and raising a family, fueled a hunger to know more about life after death.
In January of 2010, Nancy and her family were devastated by the sudden and unexpected tragedy of her son Robbie’s untimely passing, just days before his 28th birthday, verifying an awful premonition Nancy had had years before that she would lose her son at the age of 27.
Following a series of vivid dreams, during which Robbie visited his mother and others, Nancy sought answers and solace from two world-renowned mediums, Hollister Rand and Rebecca Rosen, both of whom reported that not only was Robbie endeavoring to communicate with his mother; but he was also adamant that he and his mother would soon start working together, using the phenomenon of Orbs, to bring comfort and proof of “life after death” to the grieving.
Having now captured thousands of orbs in photographs, and publishing her first book, Entering the Light Fantastic, Nancy has become a sought after Orb Medium, known for her uncanny ability to accurately interpret what she sees in many of the orbs she photographs around people.
Those messages and the sudden appearance of orbs in Nancy’s photographs catapulted Nancy on a spiritual journey.

Robbie has told Nancy through many afterlife communications that orbs are here to demonstrate that life continues even after the body dies. Our loved ones never really leave us but are always just a thought away.
Nancy’s purpose as an Orb Medium, and in telling her story in Entering the Light Fantastic and sharing her orb photographs on this website is to bring comfort to those in the grip of grief and to awaken others to their own spiritual journeys as well.